With the sad passing of my smushy-faced kitty, Tess, one of my good friends gave me a pet cockatiel. I'm stoked as I've never had a pet bird before. Cockatiels are able to sing and mimic human sounds, which is definitely cool. I've named her "Dolce" (as in Dolce & Gabbana). If Tess were still here she would've tried to snuggle Dolce already...
In addition to the welcoming of Dolce to the famiily, I've also invested in a new digital SLR camera which has been an awesome toy over the past couple of days....
All in all, the passing of Tess has inspired me to make this life count even more...and in doing that, I want to celebrate all of the things I've been blessed with.
*RIP Tessi Mamma 5/10/10*